@Article{ AUTHOR = {Smilansky, Saul Smilansky}, TITLE = {A Puzzle about Self-Sacrificing Altruism}, JOURNAL = {Journal of Controversial Ideas}, VOLUME = {1}, YEAR = {2021}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {0--0}, URL = {https://journalofcontroversialideas.org/article/1/1/135}, ISSN = {2694-5991}, ABSTRACT = {I present a puzzle concerning individual self-sacrificing altruism (SSA) that, to the best of my knowledge, has not been considered before. I develop an argument that challenges the common sense attitudes towards self-sacrificial altruism in typical, paradigmatic cases. I consider SSA involving sacrificing one’s life for other human beings, focusing, for the sake of simplicity, on saving a single person. We have reasons to think that many paradigmatic acts of SSA may, on reflection, be irrational, that typical moral heroes are mistaken, that dispositional self-sacrificers should perhaps resist their good urges to keep saving people, and that the enchantments of heroism should regularly be resisted.}, DOI = {10.35995/jci01010007} }