Cognitive Creationism Compared to Young-Earth Creationism
Received: 19 May 2020 / Accepted: 14 Sep 2020 / Published: 25 Apr 2021
“Cognitive creationism” is a term for ideologically based rejection of concepts from differential psychology or behavioral genetics. Various authors have compared this practice to young-Earth creationism, but the parallels between the two have not previously been subjected to an in-depth comparison, which is conducted for the first time in this paper. Both views are based on a similar set of psychological needs, and both have developed epistemologically similar worldviews, which draw certain conclusions ahead of time and then interpret all evidence in light of these assumptions. This reversal of the scientific method leads both young-Earth creationists and cognitive creationists to reject large swaths of otherwise well-established research due to its potential to support conclusions they have chosen a priori to reject. Both views also tend to rely on nonparsimonious ad hoc explanations, which are usually not able to reliably predict any future results. The risks posed by cognitive creationism will be discussed, along with potential implications for science education.
Keywords: religion; creationism; intelligence; behavioral genetics; horseshoe theory; philosophy of science
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provided the original work is properly cited. (CC BY 4.0).
Tezuka, S. Cognitive Creationism Compared to Young-Earth Creationism. Controversial_Ideas 2021, 1, 3.
Tezuka S. Cognitive Creationism Compared to Young-Earth Creationism. Journal of Controversial Ideas. 2021; 1(1):3.
Tezuka, Shuichi. 2021. "Cognitive Creationism Compared to Young-Earth Creationism." Controversial_Ideas 1, no. 1: 3.
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